AVR Application for Nathan Hale High School, Tulsa Public Schools

Tulsa Public Schools (“TPS”) is the largest school district in northeastern Oklahoma. The District contributes significantly to the economic base of the area, employing 6,500 employees. Approximately 38,000 students were enrolled in over 55 elementary/Pre-K schools, 11 middle and junior high schools, and 9 senior high schools as well as over 15 special programs around the District. TPS engaged imaginX to install a virtual/augmented reality lab at Nathan Hale High School, including materials and installations. The project was initiated under the vision and leadership of Nathan Hale’s Principal, Dr. Sheila Riley, who envisioned a world where students can leverage the best of what teachers offer and combine it with the latest in what technology and innovation can provide. Dr. Riley’s vision has been in perfect alignment with imaginX that believes that immersive learning does not replace human interaction; rather, it enhances human and social interaction.
Solution Delivered:
The imaginX’s immersive learning solution for Nathan Hale High School includes a Virtual Augmented Reality Lab, the AVR application that works across all platforms and comes integrated with their Learning Management System (LMS) to empower the students with the right tools for an immersive and blended learning experience.

Virtual Augmented Reality Lab
The Virtual Augmented Reality Lab offers a theater-style setting, numerous full immersion goggles, and hands-on tactile engagement to create almost any 3D, AR, VR, MR, and XR content. The tactile VR workbenches integrate with Nathan Hales 3D printers, whereby students can view over 50,0000 learning objects, modify the object, and then print the object on the 3D printer.

XR or AVR Application
Our XR or AVR Application works across all platforms - iPhones, Androids, iPads, PCs, Macs, and even Chromebooks offering consistent immersive Learning Experience. The Application also integrates with Nathan’s Learning Management System – Canvas – thus helping the teachers and faculty to plan their AR/VR lessons in advance and become more effective.
Client Testimonial
“Our faculty and students have the right tools for an Immersive and Blended Learning experience – thanks to the imaginX’s immersive learning solution that includes a Virtual Augmented Reality Lab and an AVR application that works across all platforms and integrates with our LMS.”
- Dr. Sheila Riley; Principal, Nathan Hale High School, Tulsa Public Schools