XR Technology

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Why Virtual Reality Training is an efficient approach?

The unprecedented explosion in the amount of information we are generating and collecting, thanks to the arrival of the internet and the ...

Advantages of Supplementing Current Mannequin-Style Training with XR Simulations

Many companies utilizing extended reality (XR) technologies encounter challenges when training their workforce. These challenges are often exacerbated by factors such as generational differences, unfamiliarity with new technologies, and inadequate existing training infrastructures.

Speedup Training Process with Real-Time Object Detection Solution

This Machine Learning Glossary aims to briefly introduce the most important Machine Learning terms - both for the commercially and...

Enhancing Public Works with imaginX’s iXGenie: A Leap into the Future of Urban Management

Many companies utilizing extended reality (XR) technologies encounter challenges when training their workforce. These challenges are often exacerbated by factors such as generational differences, unfamiliarity with new technologies, and inadequate existing training infrastructures.
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Leveraging Extended Reality (XR) for Impactful User Journeys

The advent of digital era and the scope for rapid innovation will see Virtual Reality and Extended Reality combine to present a better experience to the customers engaged by diverse verticals and service areas. For instance, customers can develop the same impression of a product in a virtual world identical to that in a physical […]


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