XR User Training
Our trainings accelerate user adoption of XR solutions
We provide hands-on user training and the required training materials to the representative user community to ensure they experience our deployed AR/VR solutions to the fullest and leverage them in their day-to-day learnings, trainings and job performance. This service is offered as part of our AR/VR solution development and deployment project.

We train your user community to use our deployed AR/VR solution optimally.
Deploying Models
Deploying Models
Deploying Models
Key Aspects of our XR User Training Services
Our AR/VR user trainings are planned and well-structured.
Expert Trainers
All user trainings are provided by our team of XR specialists who were involved in developing and deploying the AR/VR solutions
Train-the Trainer Approach
All trainings are provided for a specified number of hours using train-the-trainer approach
Training Scope
User training typically includes hands-on training on the deployed AR/VR solutions; it may also include training on content creation
Training Plan
All trainings are provided based on the training plan as signed off with the client
Recording & Reports
All training sessions are recorded for future use; At the end of the training, assessment reports are submitted for sign-off on user training
Ad-hoc Trainings
We also conduct additional user training sessions on as-needed basis
imaginX is your trusted, long-term partner working with you to assess, identify, plan, build, deploy and improve XR experiences customized specifically to your needs.